with the sun, gone with the wind
She always said I was lazy
Leavin' my home, leavin' my friends
Runnin' when things get too crazy
Out to the road, out 'neath the stars
Feelin' the breeze, passin' the cars
She always said I was lazy
Leavin' my home, leavin' my friends
Runnin' when things get too crazy
Out to the road, out 'neath the stars
Feelin' the breeze, passin' the cars
I'm hanging on for the carnet payment as the RAC date it from the date it is posted from their office, so end of March I'll pay up and wait for delivery.
Whats left? - the list is getting shorter.
Still got to service the bike but that’s a days job.. a warmer days job.
Still icy cold up here in the peak district.
Still got a few house re-decorations to finish... but then I've always had a few house re-decorations to do in the 10 years I have lived in it.. It has always "done the job" for me - other more interesting things to do or buy that silk finish paint and wallpaper or new carpets. Its been warm(ish) with a somewhere to fix the bikes and park the car off road with music, and a bed - what more do i need? - except it now has to be more respectable cos no one wants to live in the mess I would leave behind. Not that I dislike decorating, Its quite a satisfying task when its all done.
So with road beckoning.. a couple of places booked en route initially its getting close.
Everyone I see asks me how long to go, but I’m not counting the days as it all went wrong last year.. but an eye checkup confirmed its all good. No issues expected over the next few years (cataract expected following the eye surgery last year) but its not developed and not expected to until I get older (more old than I am)
in the meantime, I've been having a life clear-out - I have been amazed at how much "stuff" I have gathered over the last 10 years in this house. I've never been a hoarder, but then I've never lived in one place for this long, so perhaps haven't had the opportunity to not throw stuff away.
Well now I have.. The local charity shops have benefited from a few donations and do I really need a dog eared 2005 British Grand Prix programme? - Nope guess not, but it was nice to read through it before it went in the recycling :o)
So sit back and let i happen - no point stressing - other people can do that for me ..
Moving on...