Due to recent world events I will stay away from middle eastern routes and head north...
Now heading from the UK at the end of April
> Germany / Austria / Italy - Until the end of May
> Greece / Turkey - Until first week of July
> Georgia / Azerbaijan / - middle of July
> Kazakhstan - August
> Russia - to Vladivostok by middle of September
> South Korea Until middle of October
- Ship the bike direct to Australia - Korea shipping link - Travel Philippines / Malaysia / Indonesia without the bike
- End of October to end of November
> Australia end of November - Melbourne by Christmas
> New Zealand - January - Ship Bike to USA west coast by mid February
- bikes abroad link
- GetRouted link
- Cruise People link
> USA west coast / USA East coast by early April
- Ship bike back to UK Dynamic freight link
> UK by mid April
I hope to be able to arrange most Visa's en route so that I'm not stuck to being at certain borders by certain dates, but will look more into that over the next couple of weeks.
Would definitely like to sort out the Visas up to Russia as that shouldn't be too difficult I hope.
My brother is moving to South Korea so will spend a little time mooching around there while I sort out shipping the bike directly to Aus.. Lots of shipping agency links that seem to suggest that is entirely feasible.. It frees me up for a little bit of R&R off the bike to travel through the south china sea / pacific islands before getting myself to Aus.
I then plan to travel down the east coast of Australia - despite advice from a friends who emigrated to Aus a couple of years back that December isn't the best time to be in northern territory.. To visit him on Melbourne by Christmas
Then I want to get to NZ before shipping to the USA to cross west to east and head back to the UK easy ! anyway - The bike is prepped - apart from fitting a set of new tyres before I depart
- I have all the kit I need (and probably more - but that will sort itself out as I travel)